Reactivate your Banglalnik SIM /RIM and recharge 29 Taka to enjoy tons avail. Get 5 GB internet data and a special call rate of 0.5 paisa/sec to Banglalink numbers and 1.00 paisa/sec to other mobile numbers.
Offer details:
Offer details:
- To know if the offer is applicable for you may type your Banglalnik number and send a free SMS to 4343. (Ex. 019xxxxxxxx send 4343)
- If your Banglalnik connection remains unused on or after 26 August 2016 you can enjoy this offer.
Special call rate:
- For outgoing calls to any Banglalnik numbers get a great call rate of 0.5 paisa/sec and 1 paisa/sec.
- Call rate 0.5 paisa/sec can be used 12:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Call rate 1 paisa/sec can be used 5:0 PM to 12:00 AM
- 1-second pulse is applicable for special call rate.
- This special call rate has a validity of 30 days and every 29 Tk. recharge will increase the validity.
- Supplementary Duty (SD) + VAT and Surcharge (SC) will be applicable for all call rates.
4 GB internet data offer details:
- You will receive 2 GB of free data every month for 2 months.
- A total of 4 GB free data will given.
- Each disbursement of offer 2 GB data volume will have 7 days validity.
- This offer can be used from 2:00 AM to 2:00 PM
- To check free internet data usage dial *124*501#
1 GB free Facebook details:
- Enjoy 512 MB data of free facebook internet every month for 2 months.
- Each 512 MB data free facebook will have a validity pf 30 days.
- This offer can be used 24 hours.
- To check free facebook usage dial *124*501#
Other Torms and Conditions:
- Unusubscribe customer from the offer by dialing *166*243#
- Your unused Banglalnik number has to be reverified to get special call rate free facebook and free internet data.
- To avail 2nd installment you have perform at least one charged activity (Calls/GPRS/SMS) on 30 days.
- To avial the 2nd month installment of free 512 MB facebook and free 2 GB data you have to recharge at least 50 Tk. (Except every package time or by multiple recjarges within 30 days of receiving the first installment.
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